Tuesday, March 15, 2022

                                            Time Just Flies Doesn't It? 

It's March of 2022 and it's been years since I posted here. My Flex Radio 6400 has been down for the count for going on 2 years. Since I don't QSO I have been using my other radios and an SDR Play for listening and with the Pandemic haven't needed to have remote listening available. So I finally wrote Flex to get a new RMA so I can ship them the radio then I'm likely selling it.

The SDR Play works great, I'm going to upgrade to the newest model with the receivers. With the war going on in the Ukraine there are some interesting SWL listening going on at night. The bands are improving as well which is nice.

The shack has changed a lot, I'll post pictures this weekend, not because anybody will see this, but because it's cool to look back to see how things progressed.